Mercing Mad Mary-Anne
Date: Friday, February 20 @ 13:13:56 UTC
Topic: Raid Win!

Okay we've beaten MMA many times in the past, but even though it's an easy fight by AH standards, you need to have healers to win it or else those darned DoTs sap us away. Well on Thursday's openraid we didn't have many healers at all, and two groups were without any form of healer. So do we: a) Give up and go to bed? b) Sacrifice those two groups and hope the rest of us can burn her down?

Well After Hours didn't like either option. Being a bunch of out-of-the-box thinkers, we picked option c) Divide the raid into individual groups 'old skool style', and have a million cleric mercs popped 'new skool style'.

Here's how it looked...

MMA died with the mercs at about 80% mana, and it was a lot of laughs!

This article comes from After Hours Raiding

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