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Decisions Decisions, Do we want to focus on MMM or SoD raids for the near future.
MMM all the way to Crystallos
 87%  [ 27 ]
SoD or bust
 12%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 31

SoD vs. MMM
PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:50 am Reply with quote
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Once upon a time, a pink hatted Paladin said:

Elric wrote:
Folks, due to the spotty attendance, I'm going to try and make my very first poll. Laughing

Bah, I'm no techie, I'll ask the site guys to make the poll.

The two options will be.

I prefer to concentrate on SoD raids.

I prefer to concentrate on MMM/flagging raids.

So without further delay, a poll for you all to make your wishes known.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:05 am Reply with quote
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For those who dont know we only got 34 ppl on last friday for MMM, of course we had to switch targets hoping that some late comers will join later ... that didnt happen.

Like Acoma said, if you guys think that a tiny core of AHers can go into MMM and beat the events so you can join later to farm them and claim your crystallos flag, you are wrong. We need EVERY SINGLE toon flagged to win those events ... thats simple.

Also, if you dont know yet, MMM events count like flags to be able to buy MM gear.

However, like elric said please decide so we can plan ahead and dont waste resources in something that the majority dont want to do.

SoD or MMM.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:40 am Reply with quote
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MMM First ~ !

Then throw in some SoD to make us feel better after a week of wiping.

I am not sure why people dont want to help and learn these events so we can get flagged and move to cryst where the upgrades are better. Are most of the flock just thinking that the core AHers are going to complete MMM and then 15 of use will have our beyond the barrier finished and then everyone will be able to piggy in, not gonna happen. You have to have MMM finished, need a crystal from the head gnome to finish the beyond the barrier quest, in order to even get into cryst raids I believe.

Since this is going to be a learning curve and we are gonna have nights that we dont win a raid maybe we should think about offering some sort of bonus to toons that show up consistantly for the MMM flagging. I dont know just trying to figure out how to get more toons there. The saying is very true though, you cant make an omlette without breaking a few eggs. I will volunteer all three toons to wipe through a whole level each just to finish this section off and move on.

85 Ranger|85 Shaman
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:47 pm Reply with quote
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I almost think you have to do MMM to progress.

Doing tier 1 sod, lets say 54 people get all the gear they can. I'm not sure thats going to be enough to move into Field of Scale raids. You would have to be relying heavy on higher geared players to help.

Now, rallos returns is another story, but how often can you farm that one event for a 54+ players.

I see no choice but to finish MMM and gear up in Crystallos. Only then IMO, will tier 2+ sod raids fall.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:38 pm Reply with quote
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I am all in favor of MMM/Crystallos.

To that end, we still have plenty of piggies that also need to complete their MMM raid flagging.

We did Deepscar last week and wiped on a Big Bynn attempt. Will these get back on the schedule so maybe we can flag more people for them?


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 4:33 pm Reply with quote
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Not sure if there are any dissenters among us. Right now it looks like a landslide victory for MMM. One thing I know we will get out of this poll is an idea of how many of you visit the site daily like you should.


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I would love to see us smash MMM
PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 5:06 pm Reply with quote
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Not just for MM gear, either. I think we can do it if we apply ourselves.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:02 pm Reply with quote
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I'm not gonna vote since I can barely attend raids atm, and would be fine with either set of targets personally. I will say that I'm not sure how much the lack of attendance has to do with people who don't "want to help and learn these events", as much as various conflicts. I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one who recently started a new job (puvia too i think? plus possibly some who don't post here on the board). Another conflict is some people moving into raiding guilds, which creates either a scheduling conflict, or a lockout timer conflict (in some cases, both). Another thing causing lockout conflicts, is I believe a couple of the guilds we are heavy with members of have begun doing mmm flagging and possibly starting to attempt the raids (JPD? I think? lol... sorry if my post is factually inaccurate :p)

Sorry if this is slightly off topic, i just hate to see people slammed for not attending raids, when sometimes it can't be avoided. Or maybe I am giving people too much credit and everyone is a bunch of loot whores, who knows :p


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Trojan Man (and officer)
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RL over EQ, always.

We were just wondering what the members would prefer. We NEED folks to show up to MMM events in order to win. 30 toons isn't gonna win MMM with our gear level. Period.

We also need to flag more folks. This means not dropping when a flagging event is chosen. AH needs more fully flagged folks to do MMM.

It comes down to AH as a WHOLE. IF we're gonna do MMM, we need EVERYONE that can possibly show up, to come help. Otherwise MMM is a waste of our time. RL over EQ, but folks can't drop because "nothing I want drops from DD", or other reasons.

That's why I asked for this poll. Would you like AH to concentrate on MMM? or SoD? (personally, I think we'll stall in SoD as folks will be undergeared).

As for folks in RoV or Fu, we'll run into lockouts with SoD, but we won't with MMM or Cryst, which makes it a no brainer to me.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:46 am Reply with quote
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Aleax wrote:
Not sure if there are any dissenters among us. Right now it looks like a landslide victory for MMM. One thing I know we will get out of this poll is an idea of how many of you visit the site daily like you should.

LOL, raises his hand. I am able to make it to the site easier then a raid for shizzel, lol.

I think the flagging battles for MMM raid access are fun. I dont know why toons dont want to do them. Just think, you get that ancient armor and once we get to crytalos it turns into something beautiful, really want my Pristmatic Bow Captains Armor one day.

Flagging events in a nutshell, well the ones I am familiar with:

Deepscare = Endurance fight - just need 1 MT group to keep ODG occupied, a Golum tank to keep aggro on them and keep them in the middle, 2 mino add groups and lots of heal and mana potions. Hard

Big Bynn = DPS fight - Need a beefy tank, good healer and all the DPS you can muster. Hard-Medium

Spindlecrank = Fractured endurance fight - need Add group to keep mobs on ground floor off raid, need grenader group up top to keep from droping 10k nukes on the raid, good tank and healer. Medium

Magnetic Behemoth = DPS fight with add control - Good tank, kill all the browines first, use rangers/druids with Vinelash to keep ads from making it to the named. Easy

Only been on the powerstation raid once and dont remember much except just assist the assist tank at all times. Easy

MMM is a whole new story that I am wanting to learn about first hand, wont you all come and join me in our hopefull attempt?

85 Ranger|85 Shaman
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:02 pm Reply with quote
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I want to see the end of MMM, and think we should continue to progress through.

Keep in mind, even if we decide to "focus" on one or the other, we will still be doing raids in both Exp. We would just have more in the chosen expansion than in the one not chosen.


Auldaen Shadowfoot
80 Windcaller

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:00 pm Reply with quote
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Either is fine. I only voted for SoD because I like to be different and not follow the crowd. Twisted Evil


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:04 am Reply with quote
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I will try to make MMM raids as I recently got MMM keyed. I backed off raiding due to peeps waiting for openings, never knew there was problem with attendance until now. Also, being EST, I find it difficult to stay awake.
Wed Thurs. are good for MMM.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:13 am Reply with quote
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kebekak wrote:
I will try to make MMM raids as I recently got MMM keyed. I never knew there was problem with attendance. Being EST, I find it difficult to stay awake though.

I am in WV, not Western Virginia like some of you out west think, so I know the feeling, I use beer, coffee and mini thins, LOL, jk.

I have not been a "sleeper" since before college so I have been running on 3-4 hours of sleep a night for over 15 years. The doc says it is going to catch up with me one day but I have no choice but to just keep on keepin on.

Life is to short and the days are not long enough currently to have a family, career, a wife, friends, play outside, play eq and then get enough sleep. Sleep loses hands down.

85 Ranger|85 Shaman
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:16 am Reply with quote
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bump...should be more than 31 votes for this i would think. but y dont i c mmm on calendar even with these results Sad

You kick Venomous Projection for 58652 points of damage.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:20 am Reply with quote
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Sendalor wrote:
bump...should be more than 31 votes for this i would think. but y dont i c mmm on calendar even with these results Sad

Not really seeing as only about 2oish toons regularly visit this site. I think we have had an influx of vistitors to get to 31.

Anyways, had 50+ in ah channel last night and only 40ish in raid, with a handfull of guests.

85 Ranger|85 Shaman
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:42 pm Reply with quote
Trojan Man (and officer)
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Sadly, many members/apps don't visit this site other than to check their tiers. Sad

Too busy doing those damned MMs Mad

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:19 am Reply with quote
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elric wrote:
Sadly, many members/apps don't visit this site other than to check their tiers. Sad

Too busy doing those damned MMs Mad

Id still be lvl 83 if it was not for those damned monster missions. Not only that I would not have 4 brand new augs all will 25+ ac on them, or a new BP, or new Legs, hehe I would still be super gimp instead of my new title of just Gimp.

85 Ranger|85 Shaman
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:48 am Reply with quote
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Rwekk wrote:

Doing tier 1 sod, lets say 54 people get all the gear they can. I'm not sure thats going to be enough to move into Field of Scale raids. You would have to be relying heavy on higher geared players to help.

Now, rallos returns is another story, but how often can you farm that one event for a 54+ players.

I see no choice but to finish MMM and gear up in Crystallos. Only then IMO, will tier 2+ sod raids fall.

Have ya tried the FoS raid? It is ridiculously easy. All you do is assist the dragons. Solid tank line is the only requirement. It is almost as easy as Rallos Returns. Keep MT standing and focus dps quickly = flawless victory. The Kurn's Tower raid isnt much harder but I would still like to see us defeat Kithicor before moving on unless we are just looking to equip people first.

We should focus on doin SoD imo. With Queen Malarian hard and normal, Rottured hard and normal, Rallos Returns hard and normal and possibly Kithicor ,FoS, and Crystal Core raids within our reach, I think we could go a long way towards progression and equipping everyone in time for the next expansion. Dont get me wrong, I would love to finish MMM, I just dont think people are on board with the RvR compared to SoD Rolling Eyes

Savage Cheshire


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:54 am Reply with quote
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Tasarian wrote:
Rwekk wrote:

Doing tier 1 sod, lets say 54 people get all the gear they can. I'm not sure thats going to be enough to move into Field of Scale raids. You would have to be relying heavy on higher geared players to help.

Now, rallos returns is another story, but how often can you farm that one event for a 54+ players.

I see no choice but to finish MMM and gear up in Crystallos. Only then IMO, will tier 2+ sod raids fall.

Have ya tried the FoS raid? It is ridiculously easy. All you do is assist the dragons. Solid tank line is the only requirement. It is almost as easy as Rallos Returns. Keep MT standing and focus dps quickly = flawless victory. The Kurn's Tower raid isnt much harder but I would still like to see us defeat Kithicor before moving on unless we are just looking to equip people first.

We should focus on doin SoD imo. With Queen Malarian hard and normal, Rottured hard and normal, Rallos Returns hard and normal and possibly Kithicor ,FoS, and Crystal Core raids within our reach, I think we could go a long way towards progression and equipping everyone in time for the next expansion. Dont get me wrong, I would love to finish MMM, I just dont think people are on board with the RvR compared to SoD Rolling Eyes

Savage Cheshire

The only problem I am seeing is that most of our "tank line' will be haveing most of SoD on farm with their Full Time guild. Which I think is one of the issues we are having in beating Bloody kith. Once the next expasion comes out they hopefully will be less in SoD so we may have the opportunity to do more of it then but now we can use them in MMM without confliction with their guild targets.

I think the reason I am so go for MMM finishing is because most of our high end raiders who are so wonderful in showing up (thank you, thank you and thank you again) to our raids still can help us knock off MMM and Cryst without messing with their guild targets.

I still think this is just a way for us to try and find a direction to go with the targets available. We are getting upgrades in both sections, of course the MMM ones have a lvl 80 focus, and we are starting to work more as a unit with less coaching every time. Honestly, Once we crush MMM I dont ever want to come back, LOL.

Of course I am a cluless ranger and almost always lost so dont take what I say except with a grain of salt.

85 Ranger|85 Shaman
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