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Player Name
Item Name
Kyndraa Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - Alpha Feran
Kyrelth Ivory Etched Aegis 1.00 HoH - Rydda`Dar
Kyrelth Obsidian Greatblade 1.00 SRT - Dresolik
Kyrelth An Elemental Stone 1.00 AH Bank Purchases
Kyrelth Reinforced Mephit Talon 1.00 Rathe Council
Kyrelth Girdle of Restoration 1.00 Time A - Phase 2
Lacomb Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - Bone Cracker
Lacomb Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 RCoD - Lirah the Bridgekeeper
Lacomb Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - Bone Cracker
Lacomb Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 RCoD - Lirah the Bridgekeeper
Lacomb Muramite Chain Bracer of Battle 1.00 Epic 1.5 Encounter
Lacomb Glowing Stone Fragment 1.00 DoN - Emoush Raid
Lacomb Quintessence of Sand 1.00 DoN Shogurei, Guardian of the Sands
Lacomb Lava Spider's Spinners 1.00 DoN - Volkara's Bite
Lacomb Goblin Warlords Beads 1.00 DoN-Trial of Perserverance
Lacomb Diseased Wing Fragments 1.00 DoN - Jurek the Gimp
Ladile Quintessence of Sand 1.00 DoN Shogurei, Guardian of the Sands
Ladile Ancient Muramite Rune 1.00 CoA - Warden Hanvar
Ladile Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 RCoD - Sharpshooters
Ladile Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - Slavedriver Menlo
Ladile Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 RCoD - Lirah the Bridgekeeper
Ladile Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - The Murkglider School Leader
Ladile Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - Slavedriver Menlo
Ladile Goblin Warlord's Beads 1.00 DoN-Trial of Perserverance
Ladile Glowing Stone Fragment 1.00 DoN - Emoush Raid
Ladile Furious Hammer of Zek 1.00 FoZ - Vallon Zek
Ladile Elemental Gauntlet Mold 1.00 PoF - Arch Mage Yozanni
Ladile Ripped Journel Page 1.00 Girplan Scavenger
Ladile Soulshard of Zordek 1.00 Zordak Ragefire
Laenyani Polished Chitin War Horn 1.00 Sendaii, The Hive Queen
Laenyani Pauldrons of the Legion 1.00 Keldovan the Harrier
Laenyani Porthios Belt of Shadows 1.00 Porthio the Second Born
Laenyani Aneuk Dagger of Eye Gouging 1.00 Jelvan Event
Laenyani Clayforge 1.00 Group Content Massacre
Laenyani Glume\'Inas the Stinking 1.00 Group Content Massacre
Laenyani Oracle\'s Barb 1.00 Group Content Massacre
Laenyani *Air Essence 1.00 Group Content Massacre
Laenyani Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 RCoD - Lirah the Bridgekeeper
Laenyani Belt of Temperal Binding 1.00 Time - P5 - Bertox
Laenyani Fabled Gleaming Obsidian Shard 1.00 The Fabled Protector of Dresolik
Laenyani Shadowy Blackblade 1.00 Wirlem
Laenyani Gyro Core: Purification 1.00 BMK 3: Ralkor\'s Crystals
Laroz Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 RCOD - Reclusive Girplan Event
Laroz The Rotting Fist 1.00 Bertoxxulous
Laroz Greater Muramite Rune 1.00 NC - Slavedriver Menlo
Laroz Black Scaled Cloak 1.00 Paladin Epic 1.5 - Mujaki
Lazrask Dimly Pulsating Chronal Shear 1.00 Group Content Massacre
Lazrask Chitinous Thornring 1.00 Exploring
Lazrask Celestrium Encrusted Tarsal Clay 1.00 Group Content Massacre
Ldidarjr Fabled Cloak of Combustion 1.00 The Fabled Minis in PoFire
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