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Poll in town crier section...cant vote or reply so move it or somethin i guess. And as for options why is they no 1 and 2 which is what it should be imo. Enough with the group stuff with a raid size f ...
There back....kinda. Need more people to show up so we can actually raid didnt have enough for a hard last night Lets step it back up people so we can finish tower and get our titles!
keep in mind prob gonna get hit by a dot or some form of damage also on your way there so a way to heal is needed, i ended at like 40% after mend and defer death with part of a hot up too. and again t ...
well i bought 5 for like 480 or 4 somethin i dunno, so 4 left and about 3k more loyalty points, didnt really c anything else i wanted there anyway atm so
By the time Wednesday rolls around lockouts will be gone for the events we have done so will need to start again. We need to start Tower Wednesday and only do other raids if we dont have enough for to ...
Token of Resurection worked exactly as planned last night, I ran up to event room and made it alive. Raid died in corner and dragged the corpses through the wall, resed a cleric with that thing and to ...
i seem to have finally figured out a use with monks shadow step ability Neshika's i need to get it lol. with that cant remember exact distance it warps u forward but combined with other th ...
Yes the actual resists are super easy to get, i have over 1100 for 2 of my resists 1 is 1300 somethin, just need to do the aa and time doing trials to unlock 700 resist and lot of members are not clos ...
No im not talking about %T has resisted your crappy spell. Im talking about our resists, or lack there of. With most or probably ALL targets we are doing or going to try to do, 700 resists may seem li ...
Except there are 7 events, and 8 if u count 5.5 the tower guards, but best loot we can get and once events start going all of tower can be locked out within a week
exit 10...hmm guessin turnpike, rahway area or somethin like that, been 3 years since i moved i know my way around but damn if i remember all the exits lol
We should do Fos1...and bunch beat fos2 when we did few weeks ago which should allow people to request it, i can request fos1 atm and with a full raid shouldnt be hard to beat, plus spell unlocks, fos ...
Elric, hell of a job on 100% raid attendance for that long man dont know how you did it, sad to see it go. Get better and get back asap the pink hatted assless chaps leader is needed!
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