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No im not talking about %T has resisted your crappy spell. Im talking about our resists, or lack there of. With most or probably ALL targets we are doing or going to try to do, 700 resists may seem like a pita to get but only a bit and by far more than worth it.
6 Trials of Mata Muram, or MPG Trials. Mass proving grounds off of Wall of slaughter contains 6 trials all placed around the map, some easy to get to some with see invis in the way. Any group of 3 should be able to pull these tasks off but more is always better and easier. Just look each one up on Allakhazam and do it. There basically all about dps, and not much of it needed. Do the task boom 8 more resists and last of the 6 brings it up to the 50 total you get from them. The only downside is the hour somethin lockout before you can do another, but its a big zone and if you stop and kill the see invis or some mobs can still get some xp or whatever while killing time.
The other 50 resists come from the aa in general. Stays the same amount just gotta do all the ranks of it. Cant think of the name but another one in general gives you a 5% chance to resists ANY spell. With all these resists done and at 700 not only will it help in group stuff but on raids it helps huge. Large damage ae's can get resisted or at least damage reduced. Dots like VL can get resisted...and trust me they do there job, no healer on VL for at least 3 minutes and i was still up, resisting a lot of the ae. Rallos for pulls it helps me a lot, Tower there are nasty ae all over the place. Not only will it keep you up longer from damage ae's but negative ones also, saving possibly mana cast rng etc. They will help the raid in the long run and yourself all the time, and once there done there done.
Just a suggestion, but IMO VERY well worth the time/effort. You will notice a difference and trust me you will like it too.
_________________ You kick Venomous Projection for 58652 points of damage.
MPG trials aren't my problem in hitting 700... its @#$@#$ Vishimtar. I have all the other DoN progression drops except vish's scale and without it I cannot get the resistance boost / buff slot...
700 resists aren't really hard to get these days. I hit that easily without Vishimtar for final DoN as well. I believe I maxed out unbuffed resists with SoD t5 group gear with a mixture of some augs that had resists included. I actually just bought one with Brellium Tokens last night in Kernagir that had 20 Corrupt Resist
Yes the actual resists are super easy to get, i have over 1100 for 2 of my resists 1 is 1300 somethin, just need to do the aa and time doing trials to unlock 700 resist and lot of members are not close to them is what im saying. It will help the raid force as a whole and the individual all im saying, people should try to get em done
_________________ You kick Venomous Projection for 58652 points of damage.
I normally just triple box the MPG trials with some mercs. I have a couple alts that I still need to go through the trials with. So, if anyone needs these done, keep an eye on the AH channel cause I will offer invites to anyone that needs them Don't have an exact time, but usually after I finish with guild raids around 10:30pm CST.
I still need all the MPG group trials myself. Wasn't aware they were 3box'able so I never tried. However, your 3 boxes and my 3 together should be able to own the damn things.
FYI necromancers can open 2 out of the 3 types of chests.
FYI x2 ... pets will not attack the chests that can be forced open / lockpicked, so I would say 3 boxing it with mages would be pretty much impossible.
The trial that also involves fearing some can get pretty hairy too without the right classes to cast fear Those mobs have ungodly amount of HP if you try to kill them without fear.
Yes, I am sure we can do them together. Typical of Sony that the pets cannot be sent in to beat those boxes down. How about spells, do they work? Do they have to be forced open by my own "velvet" hands?? Sheesh. At least my 1HB is maxed out and I have decent weapons...
Once I make my return to EQ I am more then willing to help anyone who needs it. I have the spells for Subversion on my wizard, druid and cleric. I have them all on my warrior, cleric and druid but still need them on my shaman and wizard. So if you have need of any of my toons I'll be there to give a hand.
FYI the resist stuff from DoN are innate and not visible other then the buff slot. I myself have not started all the DoN progression on any of my toons. Feeling they where not worth all that effort. I have done Vish several times and more then willing to help again for all those who need these scales.
I personally would like to hit Yar' Lir (sp?) a few times to get the clicky for my warrior but thats another item hehe.
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