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Don't have an account yet? You can create one. As a registered user you have some advantages like theme manager, comments configuration and post comments with your name.
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Chatroom Usage

Following the link under the navigation menu on the left to AH chat room, you will be presented with a login form. Unless you have registered a nickname on the IRC network that you wish you use, just leave the password field blank.

Enter your character name ONLY (unless you want to use your password protected nickname) and click connect. Once logged in, you can click the "float" button at the top to create a floating chat window.

Do NOT close the browser window that you opened the chat session from or it will close your chat window.

Do NOT navigate away from the AH chat room page while a floating chat window is present or it will be closed automatically, logging you out of the chat session.

You CAN open another browser window or tab and continue to surf while your chat session is open, either in the browser page or a floating window does not matter so long as your session page remains open.

Copyright © by After Hours Raiding All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2010-03-17 (791 reads)

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PHP-Nuke Copyright © 2005 by Francisco Burzi. This is free software, and you may redistribute it under the GPL. PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the license.
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